Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What 26 canvasses looks like

Cleaned out the art store today. Twenty six 5" x 4" s was all they had. Four more on order - probably in store in the next few days. 28 days to go!
A big thanks to all the Tapir people from last year that have contacted me so far and are willing to join in on the celebration again this year.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chunky canvases

With thirty 5" x 4" painting to produce, the challenge will be to have each one distinctive. One way I can acheive this is to use different colour base layers. The two pictures shown here have differing base colours .... one blue and one green. I like how a simple flat colour laid down as a foundation can influence the final image. I use sandpaper on occasions to bring that colour from the base to the fore, see Tapir A

You can also see the thickness of the canvases .... 'kinda chunky'. I will vary the colours here too.

A start, with 35 days to go.

These first images here are fairly abstract, simplified. I hope that in the coming 35 days I will produce some differing styles .... I'd like to produce some more realistic tapir pictures before I'm done.